Get Involved
The Aerospace Enterprise is constantly seeking hard working and self-motivated learners interested in aerospace technology. Students of all majors, from Computer Science to Mechanical Engineering to Physics, are invited to consider joining our team. There is an application process for those looking to join; the requirements for membership and process details are provided below.

Membership Requirements
- Must be an Undergraduate Student at Michigan Technological University
- Students must have completed one entire semester at Michigan Tech
- Students must be enrolled in an Enterprise Project Work Course
- Students must be a U.S. Citizen
How to Apply
- Meet with your Academic Advisor to determine if Enterprise is the best option for you; and if so, what course should you register for? (see section below for more details)
- Attend an Aerospace Enterprise Information Session: every semester, our team hosts an information session during Week 8 and Week 9 of the semester. The time/date/location of these information sessions are advertised on-campus and through e-mails from Academic Advisors during Weeks 6 and 7. These information sessions provide students with a detailed overview of our Enterprise, the projects we work on, and the subteams that you can potentially join. You will also have the opportunity to meet the entire Aerospace Enterprise Leadership Team to ask questions and learn more about how you can get involved.
- Decide which subteams to apply for: There are 10+ subteams that make up the Aerospace Enterprise. Each of these subteams have a specific technical focus area (i.e. Software, Structures, Power, etc.). When you apply for the Aerospace Enterprise, you will be asked to list the top 3 subteams you are interested in. If accepted, you will be placed on the subteam, from your top 3 choices, that is most aligned with your background and the Enterprise’s current needs. We invite you to check out our Enterprise Page to learn more about each of our subteams and the students they are looking for. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to and ask!
- Complete the Aerospace Enterprise Application Form: this form is used to convey your interest and begin your application. Details about the next steps can be found in this form. You will be asked to upload your most recent résumé, answer a few short questions, and specify an Enterprise Project Work Course to be registered for.
Enrolling in an Enterprise Project Work Course
Students involved with the Aerospace Enterprise must be enrolled in an Enterprise Project Work Course. These courses are credits that can be utilized to fulfill a student’s engineering degree design requirements. Before applying, students must meet with their academic advisor and plan out which Enterprise Project Work Course is appropriate for them to register for. If choosing Enterprise, instead of Senior Design, to fulfill your engineering degree design requirements, a student must complete ENT3950, ENT3960, ENT4950, & ENT4960 in 4 consecutive semesters. ENT4950 and ENT4960 are typically taken in the last two semesters of a student’s undergraduate career, since many engineering degree programs have senior-level per-requisites for ENT4950 & ENT4960. With that being said, if you are considering Enterprise instead of Senior Design, you must plan early!
There are many Enterprise Project Work Courses available, and determining which one you need to enroll in is based on how many semesters you have remaining at Michigan Tech. The table below provides an overview of which Enterprise Project Course is likely the best option for you to enroll in, based on how many semesters you have remaining at Michigan Tech:
Class Level | Semesters Remaining at Tech | Course Designator | # of Credits | Description |
Sophomore | At least 6 | *ENT2950 | 1 | In this course, students can expect to be assigned to work ("shadow") with a Junior or Senior member on a semester-long project. |
Sophomore | 5 | *ENT2960 | 1 | In this course, students can expect to be assigned to work ("shadow") with a Junior or Senior member on a semester-long project. |
Junior | 4 | **ENT3950 | 1 | In this course, students can expect to be assigned a semester-long project and mentor younger members of the team. |
Junior | 3 | **ENT3960 | 1 | In this course, students can expect to be assigned a semester-long project and mentor younger members of the team. |
Senior | 2 | **ENT4950 | 2 | In this course, students can expect to be assigned to work on a challenging and educationally valuable project to fulfill Michigan Tech's Senior Design Objectives. To enroll in this course, students must submit a completed "Verification of Senior Design Objectives" Form and Project Abstract. These forms must be reviewed/approved by the Enterprise Academic Advisor and the student's Academic Advisor. This paperwork must be approved and submitted no later than Week 4 of the semester. |
Senior | 1 | **ENT4960 | 2 | In this course, students can expect to be assigned to work on a challenging and educationally valuable project to fulfill Michigan Tech's Senior Design Objectives. To enroll in this course, students must submit a completed "Verification of Senior Design Objectives" Form and Project Abstract. These forms must be reviewed/approved by the Enterprise Academic Advisor and the student's Academic Advisor. This paperwork must be approved and submitted no later than Week 4 of the semester. |
* Designates a course that is not required for Mechanical, Electrical, & Computer Engineering Degrees. But may still count as an “Enterprise Module” credit (refer to your degree’s semester flowchart for Enterprise Option)
** Designates a course that is required for Mechanical, Electrical, & Computer Engineering Degrees when choosing the Enterprise Design Option. These courses must be taken consecutively in the order presented.
There are other Enterprise Project Work Courses available (ENT3980 & ENT4961) for students who have additional semesters remaining at Tech and are looking to stay involved. Speak to your academic advisor to learn more.